
Why will your startup die without a community?

“It costs 80% more to gain a new customer than to retain one”

Community is extremely important for any crypto project. A strong and supportive community is able to bring a project a tremendous success. And likewise perfect ideas will die without the community promotion. So, the first step you should take to create a community is to find your brand audience.

Why a project needs a community?

At first, let’s clarify what community is. The most common definition of this word is ‘the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common’.

This means that a project’s community firstly serves the people and then it serves the business. And there are many reasons to join communities–to give and get questions, to share the experience, to explore other goods and brands, but what is more important–to find and communicate with people with the same interests.

What does it mean for business? When a person owns a token or anything else related to the project–he wants this project to be successful. So, a community starts to promote the project if they really believe in the product.

Why will a project die without a community?

We have already told you that the community is one of the most important parts of the project. But what would be with your project if you didn’t manage to create a large and supportive community? Let’s see:

  • Funds do not invest in your project as a lack of community means that people found the reasons not to support your project.
  • Traders do not use your tokens because they do not believe in its growth.
  • Exchanges delist your tokens not to destroy their reputation.
  • Private investors do not trust you as there is no trust in your project.
  • No support and protection because it is the community’s role but you have no community.
  • No income and client base as no one knows about your project and no one shares his/her experience.
  • Dingy reputation and reviews as you do not get support from your community.
  • Lack of advertisement and promotion because nobody shares his/her opinion about your project.

Do you want to make sure that community brings money?

Startups typically need 3–6 months to raise $500k, and they must have working business models, products as we as they have to meet up with investors. But blockchain is something special. Many projects were able to raise $50M in a matter of seconds.

Community helps in different ways. They can just promote your project creating videos or articles, describing and sharing their experience. But what is more important is to understand how to turn your community to your clients. Some projects create different activities where they reward their community for using their products and services, other projects create different discounts and loyalty programs for community members. And a strong and supportive community is able to spend much more on your goods than other internet users.

What will you get with the help of community?

There are even more advantages of creating the community than just of increasing the profit. Let’s look on just a part of the benefits:

  1. Content. Community asks questions you may answer as well as community offers you ideas to post.
  2. Free promotion. Community shares the experience and advises friends or family to use your goods or services.
  3. Traffic. Community follows your social media to get all the news that increases the traffic to your website and social media.
  4. Resources. Community helps you to find ways to promote and develop your project.
  5. Advice, critics, new options, ideas.
  6. You get support when you need it or when you meet difficulties.

How to create a strong and supportive community?

Crypto projects are fully driven by the online world. Without an online community, they wouldn’t be able to get their expand their network.

In order to be visible, you need to combine all online efforts. You should analyze all your targeted audience, its interests, problems, wishes, and so on. Then you need to analyze all the tags they use to find you and all the topics they want to read. And then you need to start creating the content, answer all the comments and questions you get in all your social media, coordinate all the chats with the discussion of the platform…

And there is one more option! You can go on doing your business or fundraising and delegate the creation of a strong and supportive community as well as community management to Vitor Services.

What do you need for it?

  1. Save this promo code: COMMUNITY;
  2. Send it to any Vitor Services agent to get your 10% bonus on our “Growth Hacking Package”;
  3. Make a payment and start watching ?

Let’s summarize…

A community plays a key role in the promotion and expansion of your project. If your community member post or ask anything about your product in social media it means that he/she is already a part of your community. The global community is necessary for mass adoption and recognition.

Let’s create a healthy and loyal enthusiast base for your project with Vitor Services.


Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) Guide

An Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) is an improvement of the Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Unlike the ICO, an IEO operates through a platform backed by a cryptocurrency exchange. Basically, this is to say that the crypto exchanges are the ones that administer the fundraising process.

In an IEO, the project teams behind a certain token do not have a direct correspondence with the investor. Instead, the project team approaches a cryptocurrency exchange and pitches the idea behind their token. Then, the crypto exchange conducts detailed research on the viability and feasibility of the Project.

A list of the main things that you should have in order before pitching for an IEO:

  • Tokenomics
  • A breakdown of your team
  • How the project’s financial model works
  • A competent team
  • A thorough and Clear Explanation of How your Model Will Work
  • Your Target Market
  • A list of your competitors and risks to your project.

Marketing Presence

If you are looking to engage with a cryptocurrency exchange to launch your token, you will be forgiven if you believe that you will not have to put that much effort into marketing your project, as being hosted on the exchange will provide ample exposure on its own. Despite this, it is still recommended that you strongly invest in your marketing pre-IEO.

Public relations

PR is one of the best ways to get information about your project out into the crypto world. It also allows others to take notice of your expertise, meaning in the future, they will view you and your project as trustworthy and likely to succeed.

Social Media

Another great, lost cost method of marketing your project to the masses can be found in social media. Almost everybody uses social media these days, and certain platforms such as Reddit and Medium are natural hotbeds for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, along with LinkedIn.

The Legal Side

A majority of the exchanges that are offering IEO launchpads will require you to undergo some legal checks to ensure that your token is, in fact, a Utility Token, among other checks. Furthermore, different exchanges may have a different process and requirements for you. To avoid any potential roadblocks when you are in talks with your chosen exchanges, you should refer to your own legal advisors who can give you concrete legal information about the state of your token.

Choosing Your Exchange

Once you have done all of the necessary marketing, audited your whitepaper and evaluated your business plan to perfection, it is now the time for you to make your decision on the exchange that you will be using to launch your IEO, now that you have the highest chance of success. There are a number of factors to consider when you are launching your IEO. Firstly, you want to try and get a relationship with the largest exchange possible.

Deciding to launch your token through an IEO, rather than an ICO or STO definitely has its benefits. Your customers will have the added relief of knowing that you are going to be a legitimate organization, and you will not have to jump through too many hoops to begin your sale, in contrast to ICOs, which are notorious for scams and STOs, which are seen as too regulated.

There are a number of things that you will have to consider about your project, and you may have to do additional work to get an exchange to agree to work with you. However, if you can get exchange to work with you, you’re winning. If you are on a more popular exchange and have a great product, with good marketing, your offering is likely to sell out incredibly quickly.

To achieve that, you need the help of an experienced and successful marketing and PR agency, such as Vitor Services. We ensure your success, providing you with community management and support, social media marketing, and sound PR, making your project viewed as trustworthy and likely to succeed. We also offer such services as commenting, attracting members and increasing their activity, hidden marketing, etc.

Please send promo code “IEOGUIDE” to us for getting 10% bonus for all services.


Marketing Tools for Launching ICO/IEO

It is not a good idea to start an initial coin offering (ICO) before or during the campaign without a well-planned marketing strategy. Your public image for creating an ICO project is crucial.

Successful Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Security Token Offering (STO), and Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) marketing campaigns rely on fusing conventional marketing and PR. To be effective, the ICO / STO / IEO marketing campaign needs to put forth a fully harmonized and collaborative effort.

These tips will help you plan and execute the best ICO / STO / IEO marketing campaign.

1. Detailed Whitepaper

Your WP should contain the following paragraphs:

  • Your Project. Why does the world need it? Does it help someone? In what way?
  • Problem. Shift the focus from crowdfunding to problem-solving.
  • Solution. How can your project solve existing problems? How do investors benefit from it? What can be changed in the industry?
  • Uniqueness and State of Market.
  • Product. Describe what the product currently looks like at the time.
  • Tokens Economy and Demand. Describe the financial model, funding strategies.
  • The Team. Introduce the key leaders, their education, and experience.
  • Investment. How much money you plan to bring and how many tokens to release.

2. Website or landing page for ICO marketing

Figure the current state of the market, determine your main competitors and how they promote their campaigns; do a SWOT analysis to increase your odds of reaching your goals. Consider these key steps when making a website:

  • Determining the target audience.
  • Market validation.
  • Introducing a product.
  • Introducing a startup.
  • Spreading the brand.

3. Investor personal cabinet for the reception of cryptocurrencies

PC is crucial for both ICO investors and owners of ICO. This allows investors to keep track of each cryptocurrency in real-time and guarantees transparency.

4. Outreach your investors and media

Share the ICO campaign with the media and carry out promotions for email marketing to motivate as many people as possible to invest.

Vitor Services makes dozens ofposts and comments at relevant crypto SubReddits.

5. Creating a good initial coin offering checklist

A good checklist should cover each step of how you market your ICO in a logical order so that it helps you build and implement your marketing strategy from the ground up.

  1. Make sure you have a great idea and a product to match

Ask yourself what is the need for such a project, how big the market is and is your solution the best answer?

2. Make sure you have a great team

Having a great team in place is just as important as for developing your project.

3. Outline a basic marketing plan and start building on it

6. Start the ball rolling

Good marketing is all about generating a ’buzz‘ about your product. Since the ICO investment community is digitally minded you need to focus your strategy towards the internet.

Vitor Services provides daily posts in all social media​. It is best to make content for months ahead and follow it so that there were no gaps in posting. We make posts inside 7 main social media accounts: Facebook, Steemit, Medium, Twitter, Linkedin company page, Telegram news channel, and Reddit.

7. Kick everything into full gear — growth hack your ico

The next step in your ICO marketing plan should begin about a month or two before the actual ICO launch. It‘s time to generate the buzz that is going to make your ICO a huge success. Good Forums for ICO marketing:

Vitor Services provides you with hundreds of comments and questions at the project’s forum thread.

8. Incorporating a bounty program

A bounty program is one marketing channel that is proving to be an effective part of any ICO/STO marketing strategy. Structured as an incentive-based rewards methodology, bounty programs provide compensation and incentives that can be used to attract investors and other stakeholders to your ICO/STO.

If you decide to launch a bounty program, apply to Vitor Services. We will do it from scratch.

9. Answer all queries quickly and professionally

One part of a great marketing strategy that is repeatedly overlooked is customer service. Making sure that you answer queries quickly and thoroughly can be a make or break thing.

Vitor Services is a marketing and PR agency delivering turnkey solutions for successful STO/ICO promotion. Currently, we have already helped with preparation and marketing of 80+ ICO projects. Vitor Services ensures your success, providing you with community management and support, as well as the necessary set of tools, including attracting members in Telegram group and increasing their activity, Reddit promotion, hidden marketing, and so on.


The Current State of the IEO Market

Initial Exchange Offerings are the New Hot Ticket

The Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) is a new approach to crypto-finance and crowdfunding. It has captured the imagination of crypto exchanges, blockchain projects and traders around the globe.

In this model the developers create the projects tokens and sends them to the exchange. Then the exchange provides crowdsale services including selling the tokens to individual contributors. It is the exchange that acts as the middleman between projects and investors.

In order to participate in an IEO you have to open an account on the exchange. Check what cryptocurrencies will be accepted during the
IEO and fund your account appropriately. Also be sure to find out exactly which exchanges are hosting the IEO. There can be more than one participating.

Now wait for the start of the IEO to purchase your tokens. Then when the IEO begins you buy the tokens directly from the exchange.

Is this more reliable than dealing with project developers directly?

In 2019 there have already been 32 IEOs launched of the 47 listed on ICObench. The completed IEOs have raised over $159 million.

There have been some headline grabbing launches.

Binance Launchpad proves its possible to be successful with IEOs. In December 2017 GIFTO (GEO) was the very first project it launched. Described as The Universal Gifting Protocol, it reached its hard cap of $30 million on the first day. The project already had a working product. Uplive is a live streaming mobile application with over 20 million users, 60,000 content creators and generating $10 million in monthly revenue. Now the intent is to jump-start mass adoption.

Another recent example of IEO success is Percival (XPV) which launched on the Coineal Launchpad and raised $35 million. The project aims to revolutionize the mining market by reducing power consumption and delivering higher speed through its mining machine “Percival Mark 1”.

VeriBlock (VBK) tokens sold out in 10.4 seconds during their IEO on cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex International in early April. There were 855 buyers, out of which 142 people purchased the maximum allowed set at VBK 200,000 (USD 20,000).

Who cares about the token’s utility when there’s instant liquidity?

More difficult to scam contributors. Since the tokens can only be purchased directly from the exchange it is considerably more difficult to scam investors.
This is particularly of benefit for new investors and participants in the crypto space.
Deeper Vetting Process. Because the exchange is partnering and putting its name on the line there is a deeper level of scrutiny associated with the projects.
More potential users. The exchange taps its existing user base for contributions to the IEO. As a result there is a built in base for marketing, greater transparency and more freedom to invest by account holders.
Sentiment of a reliable banking system. The endorsement of the exchange provides a psychological sense of confidence to the investor. It is assumed the exchange has conducted its own due diligence on the project. Listing on the exchange is the next natural step.
Immediate Liquidity: IEOs have the benefit of providing immediate liquidity to any token or coin they promote. It is only natural for the coin to be listed by the exchange. This removes a major hurdle that faces most project teams before and after their crowdfunding campaigns.
Visit any Telegram group and the most often asked question is when and where will the token be listed?

We know the crypto space is full of copycats. So when other exchanges saw the early success of Binance Launchpad you could count the days until they provided a similar service.

There now seems to be a race by multiple exchanges as they attempt to build out a profitable niche by running IEOs. This includes but is not limited to the following:

KuCoin (with KuCoin Spotlight)

Huobi (with Huobi Prime)

ExMarkets LaunchPad



What’s in it for the exchange?

The obvious financial benefit is the IEO or listing fees. In addition the excitement of IEOs can attract a new set of users and their deposits. This is particularly true if the blockchain project has a large and active community. Some percentage of these users will continue to use the exchange and there is a reduced acquisition cost for these new accounts.

It has not been all praise and roses for IEOs. The FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is high. Complaints include users losing large portions of their investments because tokens are dumped shortly after the offering.

Bots are another huge concern. These can be programmed to beat out human investors trying to participate. An exchange can alienate existing users who follow the rules only to be locked out in seconds.

Another criticism is the severely limited number of investors. It may only be whales and institutional investors that reap the benefits of participating in the potentially lucrative IEOs.

With the intense frenzy and hype around IEOs the demand can be exceedingly high on launch dates. The strain on resources leads to technical difficulties which can prevent people from being able to buy the desired coin before the close. The challenge for exchanges to handle the massive interest from users can negatively affect the reputation.

Currently the available data is small and the IEO history is short. While Veriblock listed on Bittrex yielded 32% ROI in the first hour — it tanked to -31% in less than 2-weeks. We do know the impact of over-blown hype and FOMO on the ICO market.

So are IEOs really just a re-branding ploy to separate investors from their monies? If whales, bots and a limited number of investors are the only participants they absorb the initial risk and loss. The retail investors will only come on after the coin is trading on the exchange.

The smart move is to wait and see how well the token performs once it is listed. We’re already seeing it is difficult for some of these tokens to sustain positive return on investment (ROI).

Project teams hoping to partner with an exchange and conduct an IEO need to be well prepared. Beyond a whitepaper, do you have a solid business model? In addition what is the level of success for the off-chain project? This means having a well-designed app with an existing user base is a distinct advantage.

Community building is a key factor for any successful blockchain project. Having an active, large and engaged community helps attract more attention.

A good exchange brings an active audience that is already in a position to trade the token. Then the IEO can increase profit by making the
token available to pre-existing clients of the exchange.

The joint marketing between the IEO team and the project team has the potential to reduce overall marketing budget costs. Ideally the exchange uses
its existing range of marketing strategies and tactics for the benefit of the IEO.

Looking Forward
Expect the interest and number of IEOs to continue to grow. Existing exchanges are setting up a regular calendar of new launches.

More exchanges will continue to enter the fold attracted by the potential to grow users, increase profits and offer additional service for current investors.

The proof with IEOs as with most crypto offerings will be found in the real world and depends on if the business case can be executed.

Currently the stage is set for the IEO gold rush. Excited investors are looking to make a quick profit. willing to throw in money without understanding the fundamentals.

The IEO model is not for every project or every investor. There is no substitute for doing your own due diligence. I’ll be tracking the offerings and sharing more insight as the market continues to unfold.


3 Key Factors for Post-ICO Success

People are so focused on the fundraising side of the phenomenon that they forget to address the most essential matter: what are the key success factors post-ICO? This question should be crucial for every investor or entrepreneur who intends to devote coins & time to a project. Here are our 3 tips to deliver a product or a service successfully post-ICO.

Creating Favorable Conditions for Delivery

Poor execution or none whatsoever is the major risk entrepreneurs face post-ICO. How can they deliver their project on time and as intended? The answer is usually a mix between the state of progress and the level of trust you place in your team.

At the fundraising stage, the project should already have proven its feasibility with the main features tested, while not being so advanced that the product is still able to spark valuable feedback from investors and potential consumers.

Additionally, the vision and skills of the core team must be strong enough to guide the whole group into accomplishing and overcoming any hardships that may occur during the execution phase. Human resource stability at the C-level is also another crucial factor.

At, we have the expertise of the team behind Paymium — the first EUR/BTC exchange marketplace in Europe — to lead us. They have already delivered an alpha version of’s platform and started taking input from early ICO investors who have been provided early access to it.

Creating Product Awareness

“You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody knows about it, what good is it?”

This Phil Knight quote showcases the importance of creating product awareness, which should preferably be done as soon as possible. Two main factors come into play in achieving this goal: first, an efficient engagement with the Crypto-sphere, followed by a tight-knit userbase.

The first element can be nourished by attending key events where crypto-fans will be present, such as conferences, forums or meetups, which provide the opportunity to present your project and build relationships with peers and people within your community.

The second consists of creating channels all over the internet where potential customers (and investors) can learn more about your product and discuss it, either directly with the team or with other followers, thus creating a lively and involved community. It is possible and even recommended to engage in such activities before the official launch of your ICO; just as did by creating a Telegram group of more than 40,000 enthusiasts to date.

Avoiding Cash Shortage

The third and last stone to stumble over post-ICO is definitely the cash-shortage risk. Once you’ve reached your hard cap, coins are cashed in and a new challenge begins: managing funds as wisely as possible.

Enough money must be allocated to the product development as planned in the business plan, while putting savings aside for expected or unexpected problems. This stage is all about ensuring that you don’t fall short of money before reaching the project’s milestones as you have planned in the roadmap.

As for, the new cryptocurrency exchange platform was always intended to be launched after the public sale; the technical foundation has already been laid down and developed thanks to the founder’s shareholders’ equity. Funds collected are essentially meant to accelerate the rollout and quickly gain further market share for BCIO.

All three prior risks have been carefully assessed and addressed by; this is why we firmly believe that we offer a quality investment option with minimal risk.


What’s the Best ICO Marketing Strategy?

Be active. Do not hide. Show that you are real, show your activeness.

  • Social Media
  • PR

Create a conversion funnel, an investor does not convert from a single click. Be patient, strategic and constant with your updates.

  • Email Marketing
  • Paid promotion

It is all about analytics. Collect the data. Analyze. Choose the best!

It is crucial to track and optimize all the aspects of your digital marketing efforts.

  • Where do they start their journey on their way to invest?
  • Where do they stop?
  • What information motivates them to click?

By analyzing the entire process, you will find your best way for marketing your ICO.

Developing an effective ICO marketing strategy is challenging and consumes lots of time. This is why a lot of startups will seek the professional help from specialised ICO marketing agencies.

ICO Marketing Strategy — Tips & Concluding Points

Some of the core points to remember when marketing an ICO are

  • ICO landing pages need to stand out and tell investors why they should be investing (e.g expected industry growth).
  • ICO white paper is generally the second encounter (after the landing page) an investor has with your ICO. It needs to explain the ICO, the team, the roadmap goals and how you will achieve them.
  • ICO listing sites are an easy way to get more eyes on your project.
  • What problem is your ICO solving? Tell your story to potential investors early on and remember, ICO’s need to create great products or services in order to stand out.
  • Generate highest possible levels of trust. This can be done through your team. Include photos, videos and social links, which prove to investors there are real people behind this project.

Paid Promotion & ICO Advertising

Marketing for an ICO has no set costs, however, as a business owner, you must think about the complete process involved and decide how much time will need to be invested in marketing on all the possible platforms.

Social Media

On social media, promoting posts about an ICO project is a great way of increasing visibility. Paying for this type of promotion will feature your promoted post to a much larger audience than a post that isn’t promoted.

While you can get some great results from a relatively low budget, you must make sure that your content is engaging to entice your audience into visiting your website and making an investment at the ICO. Including a striking image or video is a good example of strong content that could be included in a promoted post.

Also, think about the audience you are trying to reach and relate this to what networks you should advertise on. (i.e. Reddit vs. Quora)

Some of the popular social media networks have banned ICO advertising. (Such as Google and Twitter)

Google Adwords

An alternative to social media marketing is using Google Adwords. This is an advertising platform within Google that displays your advertisements at the top of search rankings, as display ads on other websites or as ads on YouTube videos.

Adwords can be costly in the long run, but by following a comprehensive inbound marketing plan, this type of advertisement will generate leads and traffic to your ICO.

Note: While ICO advertising is banned, you still may be able to advertise on the Google Ad network if you are careful about the language used. For example: ‘Invest in the best ICO’ may get penalised but a more solution driven title may pass guidelines, ‘How blockchain will disrupt X industry’.

Additionally to this, remarketing is a valuable tactic to bring back visitors to your site who did not complete the onboarding process.

Specialised Crypto Ad Networks

  • Many cryptocurrency related sites actually offer paid advertising, which in theory should target a more qualified audience.

It is important to note that in digital marketing, it is less common to charge for advertising as a flat fee. Advertising is much more effective when charged per impression or per click

Paid advertising shouldn’t be the cornerstone of ICO marketing. Instead, for complete ICO success, there needs to be a focus on all aspects of digital marketing.

Listed below are ad networks that specialise in cryptocurrency related sites

Direct Media Buying

Many forums or ICO listing sites offer direct media buying, I recommend that you look for reviews before engaging with this method of advertising, as is the nature of this space.

Read more:


Cryptocurrency Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) & Guest Blogging

If implemented correctly, SEO can hold tremendous value for improving the long term growth of an ICO.

SEO Content

Easily the most important resource for any businesses website. Well optimised content will become visible in Google search results and appear in front of your target audience that may be interested in investing in your ICO. As well as publishing on your own site, sharing content to social media will reach a larger audience.


  • Time consuming and costly.

Link Building

Every time your ICO website is mentioned through a link on another website, Google will increase its domain authority. From Google’s point of view, a website that has high authority levels also has high popularity levels. This is a big factor in determining your websites Google page rank.

DoFollow Links

If you’re lucky enough to have a link to your site featured on another website, you should be keen to find out if that link is ‘dofollow’ or ‘nofollow’.

  • Dofollow: Give link juice and allow humans and search engines to follow the links
  • Nofollow: Don’t give link juice and only allow humans to follow.*

**Note, if the link is placed at the bottom of the page, it will carry less weight than a link placed towards the top of the page.

Internal Linking SEO

An internal link is simply a link on one page that directs the user to a related page. Internal links are generally used for:

  • Creating an easier navigation system for users on a website
  • Establishing a site or page hierarchy
  • Spreading link value around websites

SEO Audit

SEO audits are incredibly insightful, especially to new businesses that want to get a step ahead of their competitors. SEO audits will also outline how to;

  • improve search result rankings,
  • build website traffic and
  • increase the amount of ICO investments you receive.

To start improving your websites SEO performance today, make sure you get your free SEO audit.

Unless an ICO is hugely popular or holds lots of promise in the eyes of ICO content writers, it should not be taken for granted that it will be written about.

If you are promoting your own ICO, it is essential to make the most of your own website and regularly update it with details about the business, press releases and daily news to your investors.

Guest blogging is a great tactic for building links to your website which will greatly help with ranking in search engines (SEO).

Read more:


How To Promote An ICO?

Building an initial community with a whitelist
A successful whitelisting campaign will build an initial community of members who are interested in your project. Building a whitelist facilitates engagement, builds an email list, strengthens social channels, generates awareness and creates urgency around your ICO.

What is a whitelist?
A whitelist is ‘an exclusive list’ of potential contributors who have expressed explicit interest in an ICO by sharing some of their personal information in exchange for being the first to have an opportunity to contribute. This means that the whitelist contributors will have the greatest chance receive tier 1 bonuses.

How to create an ICO whitelist?
This can be carried out on a first come, first serve basis — As people sign up to the list, they receive a chronological position in the whitelist, so that when it is full, no more whitelist applications will be registered.

Alternatively, a ‘Proof-Of-Caring’ stake can be used — Your position in the queue is determined by proof of your contributions to the community. Meaning that position 1 has made the most contributions and so on, in descending order.

This means that when the whitelist is full, there is still an opportunity to ‘earn’ a position on the whitelist by making community contributions, such as:

Referrals to the whitelist
Social Posts/Shares
Posts in groups and forums
Reviews (Video/blogs)
Github contributions
Guest posts on blogs

Get in touch if you want to learn more about whitelisting tactics and referrals to your ICO.

Read more:


Creating website and social media

Develop A Lead Generating Website For Your ICO

This is an opportunity to develop a website for your startup if you have not already done so. You may find it hard to get the desired .com domain, many startups today look further afield an use domains such as .io .co .ly and much more.

We recommend using WordPress due to the vast community of developers available to you and the plug and play nature of WordPress Plugins. Both of these will come in handy when you want to add functionality to your site down the line.

Get WordPress hosting starting from $3.95/month →

If you already have a website, alter the homepage or create a page specific to the ICO crowd sale, this page should include:

  • A call-to-action (CTA) section that guides investors to become whitelisted, verified or participate in a sale stage.
  • Social and community links: Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bitcointalk, YouTube, etc.
  • Papers: white papers, presentations, and any other materials that potential investors may be looking for.
  • A detailed overview of the project. Include all the project details. People want to know everything they can about a potential investment.
  • Token sale terms: pricing, data on the total token supply, purchase methods, token distribution, fund allocation etc..
  • Roadmap/ Token sale timeline.
  • The legal section where all related issues are covered.
  • Team/founders and/or advisory board. Use photos of your team and add links to their LinkedIn or other social accounts to provide some level of authenticity.
  • Partners. Show investors who have already supported your project.
  • Press and media. Demonstrate to contributors what others say about you by citing sources or adding links to relevant articles.

This should not be ‘set and forget’, your website should be a live document of partner updates, press announcements and updates on project progress/key milestones.

Now that you have a website, next you need to track everything!!

The easiest way to set this up is with Google Tag Manager (GTM), this will allow you to add many different tracking pixels without the need for a developer.

If you are on WordPress, I recommend using this plugin.

Once you have GTM installed, you can then set up the following:

Whatever channels you are using that offer conversion pixel tracking, you can insert them with GTM.

Create profiles on social networks popular with cryptocurrency projects

Brand awareness is key to a successful ICO campaign. Creating profiles on the popular social channels shows that you are open to communication.

Brand consistency across these channels reassures investors and increases brand recognition.

Try to get the same social handle across all channels, this way your @projectname can become part of your brand.

Some of the most popular social media platforms for blockchain and cryptocurrency are:

  • Linkedin
  • Twitter
  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Bitcointalk
  • Steemit

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